Practical information

Costs and attendance

The school has an attendance fee of 75 EUR. This includes all coffee breaks, lunch every day, and one dinner on Thursday evening. All other costs, like accommodation and addtional meals, must be covered by the participants themselves.

As Heidelberg is a very touristic city with many visitors especially in the summer we recommend early booking of accommodation.

For admittance, please follow the instructions in how to apply


At the school venue eduroam will be available.

Software prerequisites

The lab sessions are hands-on exercises where participants perform small calculations on their private laptops. So please bring your laptop. The exercises will require a Unix-Like environment for MCTDH to run. Please follow the instructions depending on your operating system below.

It is appreciated if the students could already install the Heidelberg MCTDH package on their laptop before coming to Heidelberg. For requesting the code, please send an e-mail to hans-dieter.meyer[at] You will receive a letter with an description how to download and install the code. See also general instructions below.


MCTDH should mostly run out of the box. Please make sure you have a Fortran compiler installed, for instance gfortran, as well as GNU make and gnuplot.

Optionally, please also install an optimized LAPACK library, for instance OpenBLAS, graphviz, and the subversion package. Most Linux distributions should provide OpenBLAS, graphviz and subversion in their repositories. See also links.


Please install the XCode app (available in the app-store) as well as the XCode command-line tools. After XCode is installed, please open the terminal app and execute the following commands:

xcode-select --install

sudo xcodebuild -license

sudo xcode-select -s /Library/Developer/CommandLineTools

Unfortunately, XCode does not ship with a Fortran compiler. There are a number of projects that port GNU programs to MacOS. We recommend to install MacPorts

Alternatively one can use the Homebrew project or the Fink project Below follow instructions for MacPorts:

After a fresh MacPorts installation issue the following in the terminal app:

sudo port install coreutils

sudo port install gsed

sudo port install gcc12

sudo port install graphviz

sudo port select --set gcc mp-gcc12

sudo port install gnuplot +wxwidgets

This will not only install the GNU compiler collection (version 12) but also a number of other GNU tools. To make the tools available on the command line, please type

export PATH=/opt/local/libexec/gnubin:$PATH

Optionally, please also install an optimized LAPACK library, for instance OpenBLAS, and the subversion package from MacPorts.


Windows users are recommended to install a virtual machine running a Linux. Within the virtual machine just follow the instructions above. Alternatively, Cygwin could be used:

We can provide access to a cloud machine running Linux for a limited number of participants. This, however, should be considered a last resort.

To access this machine an SSH client is required. Most recent Windows versions (past October 2018) apparently have a built-in SSH client in the Windows PowerShell (we have, however, never used it nor have have we any experience with it). Alternatively, please install Putty from